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In 2018, six fellowships were awarded. These covered a range of focus areas with the objective of generating astute insights on financial needs, product perceptions and strategies to serve the economically marginalized consumer segments.


Usage and Cross-Usage of Digital Financial Services across Agri Value Chains

Farmers face a number of challenges in adopting various digital solutions that cater to their segment. We aim to study elements of design of the available applications that influence the usability and cross-usability of solutions for farmers and other stakeholders in agricultural value chains.

Anisha Singh


Suraj Nair


Exploring a New Paradigm for Contracts

Information asymmetry is one of the key features of data protection regimes the world over. In India, there is a need to explore creation of contracts that can communicate information across literacy levels and language barriers. Towards this, my study intends to develop proof of concept for an easy to configure graphic language platform for data privacy notices that may be used by contract creators and users alike.

Saranya Gopinath

Independent Legal Expert

Financial Lives of Urban Poor

Households residing in urban slums face risks arising from sub-optimal financial portfolio allocation in addition to other social and economic risks. I aim to understand the nature of these portfolios and explore the design for potential interventions that improve their overall financial well-being.

Monami Dasgupta

Research Analyst, Dvara Research and PhD Student, TISS

Perception and Impact of Open Banking Products on Financial Inclusion Consumer Segment of India

Proposed study is aimed to understand the perception and map needs of FI segment customers towards upcoming open banking products

Abhinav Gupta

Deputy Manager - Innovations, National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)

Mayur Singhal

Consultant - Digital Banking & Payments

Asking the Right Question: Reducing Financial Skill Asymmetry Between Distributors and Retail Investors

This project proposes to design and test an intervention that will nudge households to ask the right question when faced with a financial distributor. The objective is to make it possible for households to assess for themselves whether they deem a particular financial product appropriate and suitable by guiding them through the process of decision-making. This is based on our assessment that households do not know what they do not know and traditional models of financial advice are plagued with trust issues as are household interactions with financial product distributors.

Renuka Sane

Faculty, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP)

Aditi Dimri

Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Warwick

Vimal Balasubramaniam

Faculty, University of Warwick


In 2018, six fellowships were awarded. These covered a range of focus areas with the objective of generating astute insights on financial needs, product perceptions and strategies to serve the economically marginalized consumer segments.


Usage and Cross-Usage of Digital Financial Services across Agri Value Chains

Farmers face a number of challenges in adopting various digital solutions that cater to their segment. We aim to study elements of design of the available applications that influence the usability and cross-usability of solutions for farmers and other stakeholders in agricultural value chains.

Anisha Singh
Anisha Singh


Suraj Nair
Suraj Nair


Exploring a New Paradigm for Contracts

Information asymmetry is one of the key features of data protection regimes the world over. In India, there is a need to explore creation of contracts that can communicate information across literacy levels and language barriers. Towards this, my study intends to develop proof of concept for an easy to configure graphic language platform for data privacy notices that may be used by contract creators and users alike.

Saranya Gopinath
Saranya Gopinath

Independent Legal Expert

Financial Lives of Urban Poor

Households residing in urban slums face risks arising from sub-optimal financial portfolio allocation in addition to other social and economic risks. I aim to understand the nature of these portfolios and explore the design for potential interventions that improve their overall financial well-being.

Monami Dasgupta
Monami Dasgupta

Research Analyst, Dvara Research and PhD Student, TISS

Perception and Impact of Open Banking Products on Financial Inclusion Consumer Segment of India

Proposed study is aimed to understand the perception and map needs of FI segment customers towards upcoming open banking products

Abhinav Gupta
Abhinav Gupta

Deputy Manager - Innovations, National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)

Mayur Singhal
Mayur Singhal

Consultant - Digital Banking & Payments

Asking the Right Question: Reducing Financial Skill Asymmetry Between Distributors and Retail Investors

This project proposes to design and test an intervention that will nudge households to ask the right question when faced with a financial distributor. The objective is to make it possible for households to assess for themselves whether they deem a particular financial product appropriate and suitable by guiding them through the process of decision-making. This is based on our assessment that households do not know what they do not know and traditional models of financial advice are plagued with trust issues as are household interactions with financial product distributors.

Renuka Sane
Renuka Sane

Faculty, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP)

Aditi Dimri
Aditi Dimri

Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Warwick

Vimal Balasubramaniam
Vimal Balasubramaniam

Faculty, University of Warwick